NameMeeting Date icsMeeting TimeMeeting LocationMeeting DetailsAgendaAgenda PacketMinutesVideo
Risk Management Committee 12/23/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM Web / Teleconference Only (link below)
Claims Subcommittee Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 281 668 753 113 Passcode: ps6HF6nE Dial in by phone +1 872-212-5076,,577661637# United States, Chicago Phone conference ID: 577 661 637#
Meeting details Agenda 12.23.24 Agenda 12.23.24 Not available Not available Not available
Firefighters Pension System Board of Trustees 12/20/2024 Export to iCalendar 8:30 AM Century Towers, Suite 2106 (Conference Room B), located at 635 Woodland Ave
To participate via Microsoft Teams, the Meeting I.D. is 292 331 854 117 and the Passcode is fy6DD645. To participate via telephone, please call the conference line at 1-872-212-5076. The Conference ID is 749 769 520#.
Meeting details Agenda 12.20.24 Agenda 12.20.24 Not available Not available Not available
Council 12/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chambers
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Not available
Business Session 12/19/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
KCTGA Comprehensive HIV Prevention & Care Plan 12/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM TEAMS Meeting
Finance Committee Meeting
Meeting details Agenda 12.18.24 Agenda 12.18.24 Not available Not available Not available
Employee Retirement System Board of Trustees 12/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 12:00 PM Finance Department, Large Conference Room, located on the 3rd Floor and North side of City Hall
To participate via Microsoft Teams, the Meeting I.D. is 296 878 180 471 and the Passcode is yg2Jm2kX. To participate via telephone, please call the conference line at 1-872-212-5076. The Conference ID is 838 603 967#
Meeting details Agenda 12.18.24 Agenda 12.18.24 Not available Not available Not available
Land Bank Board of Commissioners 12/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 11:00 AM Zoom Meeting
Zoom link: Meeting Passcode: 608067
Meeting details Agenda 12.18.24 Agenda 12.18.24 Not available Not available Not available
City Plan Commission 12/18/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM City Hall, 414 East 12th Street 10th floor Council Committee Room Kansas City, Missouri
To join virtually via Zoom. Details can be found at
Meeting details Revised Agenda 12.18.24 Revised Agenda 12.18.24 Not available Not available Not available
VisitKC 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Benton’s Prime Steakhouse Crown Center 1 E Pershing Rd Kansas City, MO
Annual Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting details Agenda 12.17.24 Agenda 12.17.24 Not available Not available Not available
Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:30 PM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
KCTGA Comprehensive HIV Prevention & Care Plan 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:00 PM TEAMS Meeting
Meeting details Agenda 12.17.24 Agenda 12.17.24 Not available Not available Not available
Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:30 AM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
Board of Police Commissioners 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:30 AM 1125 Locust Street
Meeting details Agenda 12.17.24 Agenda 12.17.24 Not available Not available Not available
Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee 12/17/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
Land Bank Board of Commissioners 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM 16th Floor West Conference Room City Hall
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 894 7464 4911 Passcode: 052559
Meeting details Agenda 12.16.24 Agenda 12.16.24 Not available Not available Not available
Municipal Officials and Officers Ethics Commission 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM 10th Floor Committee Room, City Hall
Virtual Option:
Meeting details Agenda 12.16.24 Agenda 12.16.24 Not available Not available Not available
Housing Trust Fund Board 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting details Agenda 12.16.24 Agenda 12.16.24 Not available Not available Not available
Lien Waiver Committee 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM City Hall 15th Floor Large Conference Room
Meeting details Agenda 12.16.24 Agenda 12.16.24 Not available Not available Not available
Emergency Medical Services Coordination Committee (EMSCC) 12/16/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM  
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 291 085 984 557 Passcode: 4wdjLi Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only
Meeting details Agenda 12.18.24 Agenda 12.18.24 Not available Not available Not available
Historic Preservation Commission 12/13/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM  
The Historic Preservation Commission hearing will be held on the 14th Floor of City Hall and remotely by video conference. Applicants and citizens wishing to participate virtually should do so through the video conference platform Zoom, using this link.
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
VisitKC 12/13/2024 Export to iCalendar 8:30 AM Virtual Meeting
SPECIAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Join on your computer, mobile app or room device +1 816-702-6479 111540490#
Meeting details Agenda 12.13.24 Agenda 12.13.24 Not available Not available Not available
Council 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chambers
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Not available
Convention Management Advisory Authority 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:00 AM Lobby 2200, Board Room 2212 at the Convention Center
Meeting details Agenda 12.12.24 Agenda 12.12.24 Not available Not available Not available
Property Maintenance Appeals Board 12/12/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:30 AM JOANNE COLLINS TRAINING SUITE 414 E 12TH ST., 8TH FL
Meeting details Agenda 12.12.24 Agenda 12.12.24 Not available Not available Not available
Mayor's Commission on Reparations Committee 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Virtual Meeting Via Zoom:
Education Agenda
Meeting details Agenda 12.11.24 Agenda 12.11.24 Not available Not available Not available
Environmental Management Commission 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 281 591 917 187 Passcode: f366Gs Download Teams | Join on the web Learn More | Meeting options
Meeting details Agenda 12.11.24 Agenda 12.11.24 Not available Not available Not available
Linwood Shopping Center CID Board of Director's Meeting 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM TEAMS Meeting Meeting
Meeting details Agenda 12.12.24 Agenda 12.12.24 Not available Not available Not available
Small Business Task Force (SMBTF) 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM Location: The SMBTF meeting will be virtual, via TEAMS for guests and hybrid for task force members.
Join the meeting now:
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Board of Zoning Adjustment 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM City Hall, 10th Floor Council Committee Room
Zoom details can be found at
Meeting details Agenda 12.11.24 Agenda 12.11.24 Not available Not available Not available
Risk Management Committee 12/11/2024 Export to iCalendar 8:30 AM  
closed meeting
Meeting details Agenda 12.11.2024 Agenda 12.11.2024 Not available Not available Not available
Human Rights Commission 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 5:00 PM Virtual meeting via Zoom
Gender Equity Task Force A Task Force of the Kansas City Human Rights Commission Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 917 0799 4405
Meeting details Revised Agenda 12.10.24 Revised Agenda 12.10.24 Not available Not available Not available
Parks & Recreation Board of Commissioners 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 4:00 PM Parks and Recreation Administration Building 4600 E. 63rd Street Kansas City, Missouri 64130.
Meeting details Revised Agenda 12.10.24 Revised Agenda 12.10.24 Not available Not available Not available
Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
Central City Economic Development Sales Tax Board 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 12:15 PM  
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available
Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:30 AM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee 12/10/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM CANCELLED
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
KC Neighborhood Advisory Council 12/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 6:00 PM Virtual meeting via Zoom
Email to receive a link for the virtual meeting
Meeting details Agenda 12.9.24 Agenda 12.9.24 Not available Not available Not available
Kansas City Workers' Compensation Board 12/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 3:00 PM Century Towers | Conference Room A 635 Woodland, KCMO
Microsoft Teams Link:
Meeting details Agenda 12.9.24 Agenda 12.9.24 Not available Not available Not available
Healthcare System Board of Trustees 12/9/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Century Towers | Conference Room A 635, Woodland, KCMO
Microsoft Teams Link:
Meeting details Agenda 12.9.24 Agenda 12.9.24 Not available Not available Not available
Sav KC 12/6/2024 Export to iCalendar 12:00 PM East Patrol Division, 2640 Prospect Ave.
Meeting details Agenda 12.6.24 Agenda 12.6.24 Not available Not available Not available
Municipal Art Commission 12/6/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM Videoconference via Teams
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Revised Agenda 12.6.24 Revised Agenda 12.6.24 Not available Not available Not available
Council 12/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Council Chambers
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Minutes Minutes Not available
Linwood Shopping Center CID Board of Director's Meeting 12/5/2024 Export to iCalendar 2:00 PM Location: VIA TEAMS 19%3ameeting_NzExZjVjMTUtNDQxMi00ZmI1LWJjYmItYmU2ZmVmY2Q1MDQw%40thread.v2/0?c ontext=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227360b975-c80c-41fc-b684- c3185272f075%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22bd0f9524-8ce9-4b4b-8cc2-ebba
Meeting ID: 290 222 411 100 Passcode: jp72xS96
Meeting details Linwood CID Agenda 12.5.24 Linwood CID Agenda 12.5.24 Not available Not available Not available
City Plan Commission 12/4/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM The hearing will be hybrid, both in-person at City Hall, 414 East 12th Street, 10th floor Council Committee Room, Kansas City, Missouri and virtually via Zoom. Details can be found at
Meeting details CPC Agenda 12.4.2024 CPC Agenda 12.4.2024 Not available Not available Not available
Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee 12/3/2024 Export to iCalendar 1:30 PM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Minutes Minutes Not available
Special Committee for Legal Review 12/3/2024 Export to iCalendar 12:00 PM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Minutes Minutes Not available
Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee 12/3/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:30 AM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Not available Not available
Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee 12/3/2024 Export to iCalendar 9:00 AM 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Webinar Link:
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Agenda Packet Agenda Packet Minutes Minutes Not available
Northland Gateway Community Improvement District 12/2/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:30 AM Teams Meeting
TEAMS information: 19%3ameeting_MzM0Mjk2YzEtNjQyYy00NGZiLWJhNTAtOGM4YmM0ZDE2ODlj%40 thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227360b975-c80c-41fc-b684- c3185272f075%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22bd0f9524-8ce9-4b4b-8cc2-ebba82
Meeting details Not available Not available Not available Not available
Northland Gateway Community Improvement District 12/2/2024 Export to iCalendar 10:30 AM  
Location: TEAMS Meeting TEAMS information: join/19%3ameeting_MzM0Mjk2YzEtNjQyYy00NGZiLWJhNTAtOGM4YmM0ZDE2ODlj%40 thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227360b975-c80c-41fc-b684- c3185272f075%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b
Meeting details Agenda Agenda Not available Not available Not available

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