Sponsor: Director of Public Works Department
Authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute Amendment No. 1 to the contract with WCA of Missouri, LLC; and authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to further amend the contract and exercise three (3) additional one-year renewal options; and reducing the Contingent Appropriation of the General Fund by $1,435,000.00 and appropriating that amount in the General Fund for the City’s recycling contract due to an increase in rates for recycling carts and processing fees.
WHEREAS, The Council passed Committee Substitute for Ordinance 200230 approving the contract with WCA of Missouri, LLC for curbside recycling collection and processing; and
WHEREAS, Section 3-41(a)(2), Code of Ordinances requires the Manager of Procurement Services, to obtain City Council authorization to enter into contract that may exceed $1,000,000.00; and
WHEREAS, the General Services Department estimates the City will spend over $12,735,000.00 per year; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That appropriation from the following account is reduced by the following amount:
24-1000-179990-B Contingent Appropriation $1,435,000.00
Section 2. That the sum of $1,435,000.00 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund to the following account:
24-1000-892330-B KC Recycles $1,435,000.00
Section 3: The Director of Public Works or designee is hereby designated as requisitioning authority for Account No. 24-1000-892330.
Section 4. That the Manager of Procurement Services is authorized to execute Amendment No. 1 with WCA of Missouri, LLC (Contract NO EV2708) for curbside collection and processing.
Section 5. That the Manager of Procurement Services is authorized to execute amendments to the contract with WCA of Missouri, LLC and to exercise the City’s three additional one-year renewal options without further Council authorization.
I hereby certify that there is a balance, otherwise unencumbered, to the credit of the appropriation to which the foregoing expenditure is to be charged, and a cash balance, otherwise unencumbered, in the treasury, to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the obligation hereby incurred.
Tammy L. Queen
Director of Finance
Approved as to form:
Dustin E. Johnson
Assistant City Attorney