Sponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett
Amending Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances, Administration, by adding a new Section 2-235 to authorize the sponsorship and operation of a Paramedic School Program in the Fire Department; creating the new positions of Division Chief-EMS Education Program Director, Assistant Program Director/Lead Paramedic Instructor, and American Heart Association and EMS Clinical/Field Experience Coordinator; estimating revenue in the amount of $25,250.00 in the General Fund; reducing the contingent appropriation in the General Fund by $45,750.00; appropriating $71,000.00 from the unappropriated fund balance of the General Fund; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
WHEREAS, the UMKC School of Medicine and the Fire Department have collaborated since January of 2020 providing extensive training for prehospital emergency care, including classroom instruction, skills and simulation labs, clinicals throughout hospitals, and field experience in Missouri and Kansas, with graduates eligible for National Registry Certifications required for licensure as paramedics; and
WHEREAS, UMKC is no longer able to sponsor or provide this training; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department urgently needs additional qualified personnel to deliver advanced medical care at emergency scenes, ensuring the health and safety of the community; and
WHEREAS, the City believes it is in the public interest for it to take on the responsibilities of training individuals to be paramedics and the Fire Department has the ability to sponsor and operate a paramedic school program; and
WHERAS, UMKC has agreed to transfer the sponsorship of the existing paramedic program to the Fire Department, ensuring that critical factors such as curriculum, faculty, equipment, and facilities remain unchanged; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department estimates that revenue from the Program will be received from training for non-KCFD personnel during FY2024-25 in the amount of $25,250.00; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department estimates that the cost of the Program will be $71,000.00 during FY2024-25; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department estimates that revenue from the Program will be received from training for non-KCFD personnel during FY2025-26 in the amount of $152,500.00; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department estimates that the cost of the Program will be $517,000.00 during FY2025-26; and
WHEREAS, assuming the sponsorship and operations of the existing program enables the City to achieve significant time and cost savings compared to initiating a new program and obtaining the required accreditation status; and
WHEREAS, the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) approved the transfer of sponsorship to the Fire Department on January 16, 2025; and
WHEREAS, the Division Chief-EMS Education Program Director, Assistant Program Director/Lead Paramedic Instructor, and American Heart Association and EMS Clinical/Field Experience Coordinator are uniquely qualified, and their retention is essential for the continued success of the program; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to employ a Division Chief-EMS Education Program Director, Assistant Program Director/Lead Paramedic Instructor, and American Heart Association and EMS Clinical/Field Experience Coordinator; NOW THEREFORE,
Section 1. That Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances of Kansas City, Missouri, is hereby amended by adding a new Section 2-235 to authorize the sponsorship and operation of a Paramedic School Program in the Fire Department, to read as follows:
Sec. 2-235. Paramedic School
That the Fire Chief is authorized to operate a Paramedic School Program in the Fire Department. The purpose of such Program is to train City employees and non-City employees in the skills necessary to be licensed and employed as a paramedic. Such authorization includes the employment of necessary personnel. Students who participate in the program who are not employees of the City shall pay a fee to the City for such participation in an amount as determined and set by the Fire Chief.
Section 2. For the purpose of operating the paramedic school as provided for in Section 2-235 of the Code of Ordinances, the Fire Department is authorized to accept transfer of sponsorship from UMKC and to employ a Division Chief-EMS Education Program Director; Assistant Program Director/Lead Paramedic Instructor; and American Heart Association and EMS Clinical/Field Experience Coordinator with responsibility for students currently enrolled, and continued support to provide accreditation-required resources.
Section 3. That the two new positions of Assistant Program Director/Lead Paramedic Instructor, and American Heart Association and EMS Clinical/Field Experience Coordinator are hereby created in the Fire Department. Such positions shall be classed in the salary schedule for the managerial, professional, supervisory, and confidential group as an assistant to director (admin services) with the class code number of 1734 and pay grade of EX4. The new position of Division Chief-EMS Education Program Director is also hereby created as required by agreement between the City and IAFF Local No. 3808 and shall be classed in the salary schedule for classes of positions covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement with IAFF Local No. 3808 and have a pay grade of FM-3.
Section 4. That revenue in the amount of $25,250.00 is hereby estimated in the following account of the General Fund:
25-1000-233220-462975 EMS Education $25,250.00
Section 5. That the Contingent Appropriation in the General Fund is hereby reduced by the following amount:
25-1000-179990-B Contingent Appropriation $45,750.00
Section 6. That the sum of $71,000.00 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance to the following account of the General Fund:
25-1000-233220-A EMS Education $71,000.00
Section 7. That the Fire Chief is hereby designated as requisitioning authority for Account No. 25-1000-233220-A.
Section 8. That this ordinance is recognized as an ordinance with an accelerated effective date as provided by Section 503(a)(3)(C) of the City Charter in that it appropriates money and shall take effect in accordance with that action.
I hereby certify that there is a balance, otherwise unencumbered, to the credit of the appropriation to which the foregoing expenditure is to be charged, and a cash balance, otherwise unencumbered, in the treasury, to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the obligation hereby incurred.
Tammy L. Queen
Director of Finance
Approved as to form:
Alan Holtkamp
Senior Associate City Attorney