Sponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough
RESOLUTION - Recognizing the effort and dedication of KC Green and the Green Ambassadors in implementing the City Hall Food Waste Composting Program launching April 19, 2023.
WHEREAS, the Green Ambassadors Program will launch the City Hall Food Waste Composting Program on April 19th on 30 floors in 60 kitchenettes in City Hall; and
WHEREAS, a main strategy of the City’s Climate Action and Resiliency Plan adopted in August 2022 includes diverting organic waste from the landfill through composting; and
WHEREAS, composting is the action of separating organic waste such as food scraps, napkins, and paper towels from other trash streams; and
WHEREAS, City Hall has diverted 3.42 tons of organic waste per month from landfills and offset 3.01 metric tons of carbon emissions per month through composting; and
WHEREAS, we recognize Kellie Herman, for her work organizing educational workshops, preparing the signage and bins, researching strategies and best practices, initiating partnerships with organizations in the Kansas City Community, implementing the rollout, and problem solving as the program kicks off; and
WHEREAS, we recognize Monica Castro, Jose Gonzalez, Melissa Kozakiewicz, Thomas Santillan, Regan Tokos, Daliah West, and the Green Ambassadors for their commitment to a more environmentally sustainable City and as leaders in their workplace; and
WHEREAS, we recognize the partnership and guidance provided by Matt Riggs, Stan Slaughter, Katy White, Hayden Andrews, and others at KC Can Compost, Missouri Organics, and Mid-America Regional Council; NOW, THEREFORE,
That the Mayor and Council hereby extend their thanks and appreciation to Kansas City, Missouri employees and guests of City Hall participating in the City Hall Food Waste Composting Program; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council in testimony thereof and that a copy hereof be presented to Kansas City departments and employees in token of the Mayor and Council’s thanks for helping to increase our environmental impact to foster, create, and care for a workplace we are all proud of.