File #: 240985    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 10/30/2024 In control: Council
On agenda: 1/16/2025 Final action: 1/16/2025
Title: Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $603,300.00 construction contract Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 1682 with Hartline Construction, LLC, for the Water Services Administration Building and I/T Improvements and ADA Compliance project for a total contract amount of $4,788,455.31; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
Attachments: 1. 240985 Docket Memo - Revised, 2. 1682 Approved Construction Goals, 3. Ordinance 240985-Revised CUP Summary-1682.A44, 4. 1682 CO 4 Docket Memo, 5. 1682 Original Approved Bid Recommendation & Bid Summary, 6. 1682 Original CUP Approval, Summary & Document Submittal, 7. 1682 RFM Approval, Summary & Document Submittal, 8. 1682 Executed Construction Contract + Change Orders 1-4, 9. 240985 1-7-2025 KCW TIO Presentation, 10. 240985 1-14-2025 KCW TIO Presentation, 11. Authenticated Ordinance 240985





Sponsor:  Director of Water Services Department


Authorizing a $603,300.00 construction contract Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 1682 with Hartline Construction, LLC, for the Water Services Administration Building and I/T Improvements and ADA Compliance project for a total contract amount of $4,788,455.31; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.



WHEREAS, City Council passed Ordinance No. 230478 on June 15, 2023 authorizing a $3,864,415.00 construction contract with Hartline Construction, LLC, for the Water Services Administration Building and I/T and ADA Compliance project to bring the entire building and site into compliance with ADA Guidelines and have various building and IT improvements to better meet the current needs and operations of the Water Services Department; and


WHEREAS, the City previously executed three change orders totaling $320,740.31 for the construction project; and


WHEREAS, this proposed ordinance is for a $603,300.00 Change Order 4 for improvements in the building’s South Lobby and Customer Service Lobby to provide additional amenities to better serve the public and improve operations and construction of a wall at the Contact Center to improve security; NOW, THEREFORE,




Section 1. That the Director of the Water Services Department is authorized to execute Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 1682 in the amount of $603,300.00, for a total contract amount of $4,788,455.31 with Hartline Construction, LLC, for the Water Services Administration Building and I/T Improvements and ADA Compliance project, Project No. 81000817.  A copy of this change order is on file in the office of Water Services.


Section 2.  That the Director of Water Services is authorized to expend up to the sum of $603,300.00 from Account No. AL-8193-807710-611060-81000817, Adm/Service Facility Improvements, to satisfy the cost of this change order.


Section 3.  That this ordinance, relating to the design, repair, maintenance or construction of a public improvement, is recognized as an ordinance with an accelerated effective date as provided by Section 503(a)(3)(D) of the City Charter and shall take effect in accordance with Section 503, City Charter.




I hereby certify that there is a balance, otherwise unencumbered, to the credit of the appropriation to which the foregoing expenditure is to be charged, and a cash balance, otherwise unencumbered, in the treasury, to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the obligation hereby incurred.




Tammy L. Queen

Director of Finance



Approved as to form:




Mark P. Jones

Senior Associate City Attorney