Sponsor: Director of Public Works Department
Approving various Traffic Regulations in compliance with Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinances.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted in Section 70-38 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Kansas City, Missouri, the Director of the Public Works Department has heretofore made and filed with the Director of Records temporary traffic regulations hereinafter described on a test basis, and notice has been given thereof to the public by publishing said regulations in The Daily Record; and
WHEREAS, the Council has duly considered said regulations and has found it in the public interest and necessary to the public safety that said regulations and each of them continue in effect as a part of Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinances, and as a part of said sections of said chapter to which the respective regulations refer; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That the following temporary Traffic Regulations are hereby approved and said regulations shall continue in force as part of Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinances, and as a part of said section of said chapter to which the respective regulations refer:
Nos. 66128 through 66147,
Nos. 66148 through 66169,
Nos. 66170 through 66189,
Nos. 66190 through 66226,
Nos. 66227 through 66232,
Nos. 64233 through 64241, and
Nos. 66342 through 66354
Section 2. That the following Traffic Regulation Numbers provide for the removal and discontinuation of certain regulations heretofore in effect, which are hereby terminated and removed from the respective sections of Chapter 70 to which they refer:
Nos. 66128 through 66144,
Nos. 66148 through 66158,
Nos. 66170 through 66176,
Nos. 66190 through 66217,
Nos. 66227 through 66228,
Nos. 64233 through 64238, and
Nos. 66342 through 66345
Section 3. That the following Traffic Regulation Numbers constitute installation of new regulations which are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 70-38 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Kansas City, Missouri:
Nos. 66145 through 66147,
Nos. 66159 through 66169,
Nos. 66177 through 66189,
Nos. 66218 through 66226,
Nos. 66229 through 66232,
Nos. 64239 through 64241, and
Nos. 66346 through 66354
Approved as to form:
Dustin E. Johnson
Assistant City Attorney