Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Amending Chapter 70, Code of Ordinances, Traffic and Vehicles, by repealing and replacing Section 70-961, for the purpose of authorizing the City's automated camera enforcement system; directing the City Manager to issue a request for proposals to select a vendor for the automated camera enforcement system; and directing the City Manager to include certain requirements in the request for proposals.
WHEREAS, running red lights is a dangerous activity that can and does result in personal injury, even death, and property damage to people involved in accidents caused by persons ignoring traffic control signals; and
WHEREAS, vehicular speeding is a dangerous activity and vehicular speeding in the City of Kansas City is a concern of all its citizens; and
WHEREAS, the City formerly utilized an automated camera enforcement system to detect red light signal violations; and
WHEREAS, studies and data confirm that automated camera enforcement systems reduce collisions at intersections and improve public safety outcomes in other ways; and
WHEREAS, automated camera enforcement systems are used in approximately 330 communities across twenty-two states; and
WHEREAS, the Missouri Supreme Court has issued several opinions confirming that the use of automated camera enforcement systems does not conflict with state law and is a permissible law enforcement tool, but requiring cities which use them to meet certain burdens of proof in the prosecution of violations detected by the automated camera enforcement system, and providing cities with guidance on how to administer a camera enforcement program; and
WHEREAS, the City of St. Louis recently signed into law Board Bill 105, which will permit the City of St. Louis and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department to use autom...
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