Sponsor: Director of General Services Department
Estimating revenue in the amount of $8,515.00 in the General Fund; authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a ten (10) year with two options to renew for five (5) years Non-Exclusive License Agreement with Kansas Fiber Network, LLC for the use of the telecommunication conduit system within the KC Live Entertainment District.
Section 1. That the revenue in the following account of the General Fund is hereby estimated in the following amount pursuant to the Kansas Fiber Network, LLC Non-Exclusive License Agreement:
24-1000-071600-457500 City Property and Acquisition $8,515.00
Section 2. That the Director of General Services is authorized to execute a ten (10) year license agreement with two options to renew for five (5) additional years with Kansas Fiber Network, LLC for the purpose of the use of the telecommunication conduit system within the KC Live Entertainment District beginning June 1, 2023 and ending May 31, 2033. A copy of the license agreement is on file in the General Services Department.
Approved as to form:
Abigail Judah
Assistant City Attorney