Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Rezoning an area of about 2.84 acres generally located 600 feet north of the intersection of N.W. 64th Street and N. Chatham Avenue from District B3-2 to District B4-3 and approving a development plan, also serving as a preliminary plat, to allow for a self-storage warehouse. (CD-CPC-2024-00197 & CD-CPC-2024-00196).
Section A. That Chapter 88, Code of Ordinances of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, commonly known as the Zoning and Development Code, is hereby amended by enacting a new section to be known as Section 88-20A-1470, rezoning an area of about 2.84 acres generally located 600 feet north of the intersection of N.W. 64th Street and N. Chatham Avenue from District B3-2 (Community Business) to District B4-3 (Heavy Business/Commercial) and approving a development plan to allow for a self-storage warehouse, said section to read as follows:
Section 88-20A-1470. That an area legally described as:
TRACT I: Lots B and C, Prairie Business Center, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri, except that part taken for street right of way pursuant to Report of Commissioners filed 6/27/2017 in Case No. 16AE-CV02698, and further excepting that part of lot b lying east of said street right of way.
TRACT II: Lots D and E, Prairie Business Center, a subdivision in Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri, except that part of Lot D taken for street right of way pursuant to Report of Commissioners filed 6/27/2017 in Case No. 16AE-CV02698 and further excepting that part of said Lot D lying within the following described tract of land: A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 51, Range 33, Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, said point being 103...
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