Sponsor: Councilperson Crispin Rea
Amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the Kansas City, Missouri, Classification and Compensation Plan, by repealing and reenacting Section 2-1104 for the purpose of adding prenatal leave.
Section 1. That Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances, entitled "Administration," is hereby amended by repealing Section 2-1104 and enacting in lieu thereof new section of like number and subject matter, to read as follows.
Sec. 2-1104. Special leave.
(a) Jury duty. An employee may receive special leave with pay when he or she is required to serve on a jury and the hours of jury duty conflict with the hours of his or her city work. Such employees may keep the county or state jury fee; however, employees must convey his or her federal jury fee to the city through his or her department head. In case the employee serves on a jury during his or her nonworking hours or days, the employee shall be permitted to keep the jury fee. However, the employee must inform his or her supervisor of his or her jury service. July leave for all regular employees allocated to classes covered by a memorandum of understanding shall be governed by the appropriate memorandum of understanding.
(b) Training courses. Special leave with pay may also be granted by a department head, with the approval of the director of human resources, for the purpose of allowing a regular employee to engage in official training courses or to participate in other official activities.
(c) Sabbatical leave for judges of municipal court. Upon recommendation for approval by the presiding judge and approval by the city manager, judges of the municipal court shall be granted a sabbatical leave of up to six months for purposes of full-time study or teaching directly related to the profession of law. No judge shall be eligible for such leave unless he or she ...
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