Sponsor: Director of Aviation Department
Estimating revenue in the amount of $9,867,460.00.00 to the Federal Stimulus Grants account; authorizing acceptance of an anticipated Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant Offer from the United States of America, acting through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); authorizing the Director of Aviation to accept the grant; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
WHEREAS, the Aviation Department submitted to the FAA a project application dated April 21, 2023, for a grant of Federal AIP funds at or associated with the Kansas City International Airport and anticipates that $9,867,460.00 will be offered in grant 3-29-0040-090-2023; and
WHEREAS, the FAA has indicated an intent to offer the grant, but provided that the grant must be accepted and executed by the City no later than August 25, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the AIP Grant would be provided in accordance with the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, the Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2021, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the AIP Grant is to provide funds for the rehabilitation of Taxiway E (1,958 feet x 75 feet Between Taxiway E7 and South of Runway 9/27, and 5,217 x 75 feet Between Taxiway E2 and North of Runway 9/27), Remove and Replace 17 inch PCC, and Taxiway J (100 feet x 150 feet Between Taxiway C and D), remove and replace 15 inch PCC; install LED Taxiway E6, E5, E4, Unidirectional Centerline Lights, and LED Taxiway E and J Medium Intensity Taxiway Edge Lighting (MITLs) - 77.62%; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the AIP Grant is to provide funds for airport development or noise program implementation; NOW THEREFORE,
Section 1. That revenue is estimated in the amount of $9,867,460.00 in the following account:
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