File #: 250172    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Referred
File created: 2/10/2025 In control: Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Sponsor: Director of Finance Department Amending Chapter 60, Code of Ordinances, entitled Sewers and Sewage Disposal, by repealing Sections 60-2, 60-3 and 60-9 and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter that adjust charges for sewer service; and establishing an effective date.
Sponsors: Director of Finance
Attachments: 1. FY2026 Sewer Rate Ordinance 02-07-2025 DRAFT, 2. FY2026 Sewer Rate Ordinance Docket Memo, 3. 250172com, 4. FY2026 Docket Memo Sewer Rate Ordinance-Revised

Sponsor: Director of Finance Department

Amending Chapter 60, Code of Ordinances, entitled Sewers and Sewage Disposal, by repealing Sections 60-2, 60-3 and 60-9 and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter that adjust charges for sewer service; and establishing an effective date.


Section 1. That Chapter 60 of the Code of Ordinances of Kansas City, Missouri, entitled Sewers and Sewage Disposal, is hereby amended by repealing Sections 60-2, 60-3 and 60-9 and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter to read as follows:

Sec. 60-2. Sewer charges for resident users.

There are hereby established charges against every person and for every property, partnership, corporation, association, and other entity within the city limits having an actual or available connection with the city's sanitary sewer system, or discharging sewage, industrial waste, water or other liquid into the system. Charges shall be prorated per day during the billing period. Such charges are to be the sum of service charges, volume and high concentration charges to be computed and levied as follows and as prescribed in Section 60-9:

(1) Service charges.

a. Sanitary sewer. A service charge of $30.21 per month to cover in part the cost of providing various services, and shall be prorated per day during the billing period and shall apply whether or not any sewage or wastes are actually discharged to the city sewer during the billing period; such charges are to be made each month.

b. Wastewater discharge permits. Commercial and industrial users shall pay for the cost of the wastewater discharge permitting program as described and authorized in article IV of this chapter. Charges as authorized in article IV of this chapter shall be billed and collected with the commercial or industrial users' normal water and/or sewer billing charges.


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