Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Approving a major amendment to a UR plan for an area of about 9 acres generally located at E. 63rd Street and Bushman Drive and approving a development plan to allow for an event space. (CD-CPC-2023-00027)
Section A. That Chapter 88, Code of Ordinances of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, commonly known as the Zoning and Development Code, is hereby amended by enacting a new section to be known as Section 88-20A-1408, rezoning an area of about 9 acres generally located at E. 63rd Street and Bushman Drive from District UR (Urban Redevelopment) to District UR (Urban Redevelopment) to amend an approved development plan and approving a development plan to allow for an event space, said section to read as follows:
Section 88-20A-1408. That an area legally described as:
1670 E 63rd, Blue Hills Centre Tract One Lot A.
is hereby rezoned from UR (Urban Redevelopment) to UR (Urban Redevelopment), all as shown outlined on a map marked Section 88-20A-1408, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and which is hereby adopted as a part of an amendment to the zoning maps constituting a part of said chapter and in accordance with Section 88-20 thereof.
Section B. That a development plan for the area legally described above is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. Ordinance No. 100212, including all conditions provided therein, shall remain in full force and effect.
2. No UR final plan shall be required for the repurposing of the former bank into an indoor event space. The applicant shall provide all required information with the building permit application which will be reviewed by Development Management staff.
A copy of said development plan is on file in the office of the City Clerk with this ordinance and is made a part hereof.
Section C. That the Council finds and decla...
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