Sponsor: Director of the Health Department
Accepting and approving a $313,232.00 grant amendment from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for developing and implementing programs tailored to ending the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) epidemic in the Kansas City, Missouri area.
WHEREAS, Ending the HIV Epidemic ("EHE") campaign seeks to reduce new HIV infections through a four pillar approach focused on diagnosing, treating, preventing, and responding to potential outbreaks; and
WHEREAS, in CY2021 the Kansas City Transitional Grant Area identified 201 new cases of HIV; and
WHEREAS, the goal of the EHE is a 75% reduction in new HIV infections over the initial 5 year period and at least a 90% reduction in 10 years; and
WHEREAS, EHE grant activities will include Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) resources and navigation, HIV testing in non-clinical/non-traditional settings, and increasing linkages to care; and
WHEREAS, this funding builds upon the Kansas City Health Department's HIV Prevention and Care services and improves the City's preparedness to identify and treat new infections rapidly; and
WHEREAS, the EHE plan enables the HIV Services Program to increase testing and diagnostic efforts, create new collaborative partnerships, and support community based programs and interventions; and
WHEREAS, preventing the spread of disease impacts the economic vitality, social, and environmental quality of the Kansas City community; and
WHEREAS, all HIV Prevention grant funds focus efforts on specific vulnerable populations that are at highest risk for HIV including African American females, African American men who have sex with men, members of the LatinX community, and White men who have sex with men; and
WHEREAS, HIV Prevention activities reduce the spread of HIV in the community and improves quality of life in Kansas City residents; and
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