Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Approving the plat of ArriveKC No. 2, an addition in Jackson County, Missouri, on approximately 1.6 acres generally located at the northeast corner of West 31st Street and Baltimore Avenue, creating one lot for the purpose of a parking structure; accepting various easements; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to facilitate the recordation of this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2023-00021)
Section 1. That the plat of ArriveKC No. 2, a subdivision in Jackson County, Missouri, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved.
Section 2. That the plat granting and reserving unto Kansas City an easement and license or right to locate, construct, operate and maintain facilities including, but not limited to, water, gas, sewerage, telephone, cable TV, surface drainage, underground conduits, pad mounted transformers, service pedestals, any and all of them upon, over, under and along the strips of land outlined and designated on the plat by the words utility easement or U/E be and the same are hereby accepted and where other easements are outlined and designated on the plat for a particular purpose, be and the same are hereby accepted for the purpose as therein set out.
Section 3. That the Director of City Planning and Development is hereby authorized to execute and/or accept any and all agreements necessary to clear the title of any right of way, utility easements or other public property dedicated on the plat.
Section 4. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to facilitate the recordation of this ordinance, together with the documents described herein and all other relevant documents, when the Developer has met all of the requirements for the plat to be released for recording, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Jackson County, Missouri.
Section 5. That the Council finds that the City Plan Commission has duly recommended its approval of this plat on September 19, 2023.
Approved as to form:
Eluard Alegre
Associate City Attorney