Sponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett
Committee Substitute
RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to research and present municipal programmatic opportunities that encourages landlords to participate in housing incentive programs with the goal of offering financial assistance and/or technical assistance to landlords who will rent to families with a federally funded voucher for available units, thus increasing the availability of affordable housing units and the number of vouchers accepted by landlords in Kansas City, Missouri.
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council has identified Housing + Affordability as a priority; and
WHEREAS, central to this mission is ensuring that every family in Kansas City can afford a home where they can safely raise a family on their budget; and
WHEREAS, some landlords may be ill equipped to navigate the regulations that many voucher programs require including home renovations prescribed therein; and
WHEREAS, a child with stable housing does better in school, and affordable homes can attract and retain employees, making Kansas City even more appealing to businesses that want to expand or relocate to the area; and
WHEREAS, Kansas City is working with civic leaders and developers to put incentives in place to produce housing so that every Kansas Citian has a chance to have a dignified home; and
WHEREAS, the City Council fiscal year 2022-2023 budget fully funds the Housing and Community Development Department, and includes a focus on retention of affordable housing. This includes $12.5 million for the Housing Trust Fund (the second half of the promised $25 million); and
WHEREAS, we have local examples of programmatic efforts by the Johnson County Kansas Housing Authority, Johnson County Mental Health Department and the Olathe Housing Authority that recently created an incentive-based pilot program to increase housing affordability in their communities; and
WHEREAS; the Johnson County program recruited 24 new housing providers and housed 83 voucher holders, a program that could be scaled to our city; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. Directing the City Manager to study voucher incentive programs and other applicable strategies in other urban municipalities that have similar residential needs and citizen profiles as Kansas City, Missouri.
Section 2. That the City Manager is directed to engage with relevant stakeholders to outline a Voucher Incentive Program unique to the needs of Kansas City that offers technical assistance and/or financial incentives to landlords who accept rental property applicants with federally funded vouchers, and identify a potential funding source for the program.
Section 3. That the City Manager is hereby directed to report back to the City Council within 45 days of the passage of this Resolution.