File #: 240550    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 6/14/2024 In control: Council
On agenda: 8/1/2024 Final action: 8/1/2024
Title: Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the Director of Water Services to execute a $183,000.00 Cooperative Agreement with Bridging the Gap, Inc., a Missouri Non-Profit Company, for the Leak Stoppers Program, Renewal No. 3; and authorizing one successive one-year 4th renewal option for an additional $183,000.00 with further City Council approval for a total agreement amount of $915,000.00.
Sponsors: Director of Water Services
Attachments: 1. Docket Memo, 2. Approved Goals, 3. Approval CUP, 4. 240550 cs to org ord-com, 5. 240550 7-16-2024 TIO Presentation, 6. Ordinance 240550-Revised CUP Summary-20003-3.pdf, 7. 240550 7-30-2024 TIO Presentation, 8. Authenticated Ordinance 240550 sub, 9. 240550 cs to org ord-com (2), 10. Project Manual on File

Sponsor: Director of Water Services Department

Authorizing the Director of Water Services to execute a $183,000.00 Cooperative Agreement with Bridging the Gap, Inc., a Missouri Non-Profit Company, for the Leak Stoppers Program, Renewal No. 3; and authorizing one successive one-year 4th renewal option for an additional $183,000.00 with further City Council approval for a total agreement amount of $915,000.00.

WHEREAS, on or about June 15, 2020, the City of Kansas City, Missouri ("City"), through its Water Services Department ("KC Water"), entered into a Cooperative Agreement ("Agreement") with Bridging the Gap, Inc., a Missouri non-profit company, in the amount of $183,000.00, with renewal options to fund the Leak Stoppers Program which is designed to fix home water leaks in the City's low-income, urban core neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, this Agreement was renewed in June 2021 in the amount of $183,000.00; and

WHEREAS, this Agreement was renewed in April 2023 in the amount of $183,000.00; and

WHEREAS, this proposed ordinance is for a $183,000.00 Renewal No. 3 and one successive one-year 4th renewal options for an additional $183,000.00 for a maximum expenditure of $915,000.00 with further City Council approval; NOW, THEREFORE,


Section 1. That the Director of Water Services Department is authorized to execute Contract No. 20003-3 in the amount of $183,000.00 with Bridging the Gap, Inc., for the Leak Stoppers Program, Renewal No. 3, Project No. 60800057. A copy of the contract is on file in the office of the Director of Water Services.

Section 2. That the Director of the Water Services Department is authorized to expend up to the sum of $183,000.00 from Account No. 25-8010-801100-619880, Consumer Services, to satisfy the cost of this contrac...

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