Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 1/16/2025 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
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File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
250001 1  ResolutionSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas RESOLUTION - Appointing Fred O’Neill, Josh Udelhofen, Marsha Chesmore and Stephanie Tripp as successor directors to the Kansas City International Airport Community Improvement District.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
250033 1  ResolutionSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to submit the RAISE grant application for Troost Corridor from Truman Rd to Bannister Rd; directing city staff to maximize workforce development when submitting grant applications and include neighborhood/resident engagement in the process.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
250036 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson RESOLUTION - Accepting the recommendations of the Health Sciences Community Improvement District Advisory Committee and adopting the housing improvements funds program.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
250013 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Law Department Approving and authorizing settlement of William Johnson v. City of Kansas City, Case No. 2016-CV17376, in the amount of $363,570.01; and that the City Attorney is hereby authorized to pay the sum in settlement of said judgment obtained by William Johnson from funds previously appropriated in the Public Official Liability Fund.PassedPass Action details Not available
241074 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Amending various sections of Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances, Administration, and Chapter 38, Code of Ordinance, Civil Rights, to include persons with criminal histories in the classes of persons who may be aggrieved by alleged discrimination or unlawful practices under the City’s Code of Ordinances, in order to combat the long-term impacts of incarceration.Passed as SubstitutedPass Action details Not available
250018 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Calling for submission to the voters of Kansas City, at an election to be held on April 8, 2025, a question to remove approximately 3.42 acres of Longfellow Park located between E. 25th Street and E. 26th Street, and between Gillham Road and Cherry Street from the park system for the public purpose of expanding available free housing and lodging to families of ill and injured children needing nearby access to pediatric hospitals within Kansas City; directing the City Clerk to notify the responsible election authorities of the election no later than January 28, 2025; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.PassedPass Action details Not available
250031 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Estimating and appropriating $195,903.49 in the General Grants Fund to improve cybersecurity, critical infrastructure and resilience of services provided to the community; and authorizing the Director General Services to enter into a subaward grant agreements with the Missouri Department of Public Safety.PassedPass Action details Not available
250034 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Amending Chapter 2, Administration, Article XV, Code of Ethics, by repealing and replacing Sections 2-2060, 2-2061, and 2-2062 to modify allowable business and travel expenses and provide the internal auditor authority to audit travel expenses of the office of the mayor and city council, and city departments.Held on Docket  Action details Not available
240919 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving a development plan on about 7 acres in District O-1 generally located at 12940 Wornall Road to allow for a residential mixed-use development. (CD-CPC-2024-00108)PassedPass Action details Not available
250008 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Amending Chapter 88, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Section 88-335, Detention and Correctional Facilities, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter for the purpose of amending required separation distances between such facilities and certain other uses. (CD-CPC-2024-00122)PassedPass Action details Not available
250009 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 1.5 acres generally located at N.W. 64th Terrace and N. Cosby Avenue from District B1-1 to District B2-1 and approving a development plan to allow for animal services. (CD-CPC-2024-00176 & CD-CPC-2024-00175).PassedPass Action details Not available
250014 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Parks and Recreation Department Authorizing the Director of Parks and Recreation to enter into a cooperative grant funding agreement with the Missouri Department of Conservation for the North Terrace Lake - Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure project in Kessler Park in the amount of $300,000.00; estimating revenue and appropriating $300,000.00 to the Capital Improvements Grant Fund; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.PassedPass Action details Not available
250032 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Neighborhood Services Department Accepting funds allocated by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, FY 2024 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the amount of $608,615.00; estimating and appropriating $608,615.00 in the Justice Assistance Grant Fund; authorizing cooperative agreements with the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office ($264,216.00), the City of Grandview ($13,266.00), the City of Independence ($50,214.00) and the City of Raytown ($13,128.00); and designating requisitioning authority.PassedPass Action details Not available
240985 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $603,300.00 construction contract Change Order No. 4 to Contract No. 1682 with Hartline Construction, LLC, for the Water Services Administration Building and I/T Improvements and ADA Compliance project for a total contract amount of $4,788,455.31; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.PassedPass Action details Not available
240987 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Appropriating funds in the amount of $500,000.00 for Vision Zero from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Public Mass Transportation Fund; directing the City Manager to engage a consultant to review and recommend countermeasures for the top 10 high injury streets and top 10 high injury intersections; directing the City Manager to develop a crosswalk compliance campaign; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Move to Amend  Action details Not available
240987 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Appropriating funds in the amount of $500,000.00 for Vision Zero from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Public Mass Transportation Fund; directing the City Manager to engage a consultant to review and recommend countermeasures for the top 10 high injury streets and top 10 high injury intersections; directing the City Manager to develop a crosswalk compliance campaign; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Move to AmendPass Action details Not available
240987 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Appropriating funds in the amount of $500,000.00 for Vision Zero from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Public Mass Transportation Fund; directing the City Manager to engage a consultant to review and recommend countermeasures for the top 10 high injury streets and top 10 high injury intersections; directing the City Manager to develop a crosswalk compliance campaign; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Move to AdvancePass Action details Not available
240987 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Appropriating funds in the amount of $500,000.00 for Vision Zero from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Public Mass Transportation Fund; directing the City Manager to engage a consultant to review and recommend countermeasures for the top 10 high injury streets and top 10 high injury intersections; directing the City Manager to develop a crosswalk compliance campaign; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Passed as Substituted as AmendedPass Action details Not available
250002 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Public Works Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Estimating revenue in the amount of $4,239,287.00 in the Capital Improvements Grant Fund; appropriating that amount to the Front Street Improvements - North Chouteau Trafficway to North Topping Avenue project; authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a construction contract with Amino Brothers Co., Inc. for $9,836,072.85; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Passed as SubstitutedPass Action details Not available
250003 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing an $8,223,720.00 construction contract with Kissick Construction Company, Inc., for the Water Main Replacement in the Area of E. Armour Boulevard to E. 40th Street and Warwick Boulevard to Wayne Avenue project; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $9,046,092.00.PassedPass Action details Not available
250004 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Aviation Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the Director of Aviation to enter a $4,100,000.00 contract with HNTB for the Aviation Design & Engineering Services (MKC) project at the Kansas City Downtown Airport - Wheeler Field (MKC).Passed as SubstitutedPass Action details Not available
250005 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of Aviation to enter into a $6,000,000.00 contract with Burns & McDonnell for the Aviation Design & Engineering Services (MCI) project at Kansas City International Airport.PassedPass Action details Not available
250006 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of Aviation to enter into a $1,500,000.00 contract with Structure Incorporated for the On-Call Tenant Modification project at Kansas City International Airport.PassedPass Action details Not available
250007 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of Aviation to enter into a $1,500,000.00 Contract with Vazquez Commercial Contracting, LLC for the On-Call Tenant Modification project at Kansas City International Airport.PassedPass Action details Not available
250012 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of Aviation to enter into a $2,967,762.15 contract with Comanche Construction, Inc., for the Rehab Terminal B and C Bridges at the Kansas City International Airport.PassedPass Action details Not available
250015 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Public Works Department Approving the recommendations of Arterial Street Impact Fee District B (N. Oak District) Committee; appropriating $1,000,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Arterial Street Impact Fee Fund to accounts in the Arterial Street Impact Fee Fund; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.PassedPass Action details Not available
250016 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing a $45,015,198.80 contract with Ideker, Inc. for the 1L-19R High Speed Connectors Phase 2 project at Kansas City International Airport; estimating revenue in the amount of $37,162,500.00 to the KCI Other Grants account; and appropriating $49,516,718.68 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Kansas City Airports Fund.PassedPass Action details Not available
250017 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Aviation Department Authorizing the Director of Aviation to enter into a $1,883,549.50 Amendment No. 14 with HNTB Corporation for the 1L-19R High Speed Connectors Phase 2 project at Kansas City International Airport for a total contract amount of $17,198,470.51.PassedPass Action details Not available
250040 1  ResolutionSponsor(s): Councilmembers Andrea Bough and Johnathan Duncan RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to develop a policy surrounding the use of surplus tax increment financing (TIF) revenue available from terminated or expired TIF redevelopment project areas; and directing the City Manager to report back to Council within sixty (60) days.referred  Action details Not available
250043 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Finance Department Estimating revenue and adjusting appropriations in various funds in connection with the second quarter FY2024-25 budget analysis; closing the Comm. Policing and Prevention Fund, the Streetlight Debt Fund, the N.I.D. GO Bond Fund, and the STIF Tower - 909 Walnut Fund to the General fund; closing the STIF 12th and Wyandotte and STIF Midtown funds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.referred  Action details Not available
250044 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute agreements to provide funding for security services in the City’s entertainment districts, including but not limited to, 18th & Vine, the Country Club Plaza, Westport and Crossroads, for the use of off-duty officers and sheriff’s deputies; appropriating $1,000,000.00 from the unappropriated fund balance of the Violence Prevention Fund; designating requisitioning authorities; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.referred  Action details Not available
250038 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a grant award in the amount of $2,196,300.00 with the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), authorizing the Chief Procurement Officer to execute contracts with SAVE, Inc, in the amount of $1,411,672.00, and Vivent Health in the amount of $538,996.00; authorizing the Chief Procurement Officer to extend the term of the contract or increase the total contract dollar amount upon need and appropriation without further Council approval; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.referred  Action details Not available
250041 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $12,722,536.00 progressive design-build contract with Goodwin Bros. Construction Co., for the Blue River Wastewater Treatment Plant Grit Removal and Fine Screens Project.referred  Action details Not available
250042 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $9,381,950.00 construction contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc., for the Water Main Replacement in the Area of Southwest Boulevard to Main Street, W. 43rd Street to W. Pershing Avenue Phase II project; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $10,320,145.00.referred  Action details Not available
250046 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett Rezoning an area of about 56 acres generally located at N. Line Creek Parkway and N.W. Old Stagecoach Road from District AG-R to District R-7.5 and approving a development plan to allow for residential development consisting of 283 dwelling units. (CD-CPC-2024-00169 & CD-CPC-2024-00164)referred  Action details Not available
250039 1  CommunicationTemporary Traffic Regulations 66508 through 66520received and filed  Action details Not available
250045 1  CommunicationNotice to the Mayor and City Council from the City Clerk pursuant to Rule 7.07, listing the Semi-Annual Docket items considered by the Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee, Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee, and the Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee.received and filed  Action details Not available
240046 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a $7,137,610 contract with Hope Faith-Homeless Assistance Campus to provide a non-congregate, low-barrier shelter facility to assist unsheltered families and individuals using previously-appropriated HOME ARP funds.Released  Action details Not available
240325 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Authorizing and directing the City Manager to solicit the procurement of contractors necessary for the construction of a holding cell facility located at the headquarters of the Kansas City Police Department; reducing transfers between the Public Safety Sales Tax Fund and the General Debt and Interest Fund; estimating additional revenue in the Public Safety Sales Tax Fund; appropriating the amount of $12,000,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Public Safety Sales Tax fund for the purpose of constructing a holding cell facility; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Released  Action details Not available
240342 1  OrdinanceSponsors: Councilmember Wes Rogers Directing the City Manager to identify $2.3 million in the FY24-25 budget and include a $2.3 million appropriation in the FY25-26 budget and a $2.4 million appropriation in the FY26-27 budget for infrastructure improvements for development projects meeting certain criteria; and directing the City Manager to develop a funding plan.Released  Action details Not available
240446 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilperson Melissa Robinson Directing the City Manager to evaluate national and international models of costs, benefits, barriers, financing options, and policy implications to design, build, and operate a comprehensive municipal rehabilitation center inclusive of detention facilities, mental health services, inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment, and transitional housing to adequately serve the population that is currently served by our municipal justice system; and directing the City Manager to report back to Council in 30 days.Released  Action details Not available
240457 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to provide the City Council with an update on City social media account policies during a business session within the next 30 days. Released  Action details Not available
240500 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilmember Kevin O’Neill Directing the City Manager to implement a policy requiring all City employees with a City-provided mobile phone to include their City mobile phone number in their email signature line for use by the public and report back to the City Council 90 days after the adoption of this ordinance.Released  Action details Not available
240503 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilperson Melissa Robinson Amending Chapter 38, Code of Ordinance, Civil Rights, by enacting a new Section 38-44, for the purpose of requiring all City department directors to submit a performance improvement plan to the Human Rights Commission; and directing the City Manager to develop and implement an administrative regulation to provide for the required form and content of such plans.Released  Action details Not available
240429 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Vacating an approximate 647 foot-long alley of about 24,227 SF in District M1-5 zoning generally located between Washington Street and Broadway Boulevard north of West 17th Street; and directing the City Clerk to record certain documents. (CD-ROW-2023-000050)Released  Action details Not available
240430 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Vacating an approximately 260-foot-long street in District M1-5 generally located on Washington Street north of West 17th Street; and directing the City Clerk to record certain documents. (CD-ROW-2023-000051)Released  Action details Not available
240585 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to exceed the $400,000.00 contract threshold for professional services contract No. EV3295 with HDR Engineering, Inc. to provide a detailed vehicle roadmap that supports the City’s goals of reducing the City fleet to zero emissions; and authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to amend and extend the contract.Released  Action details Not available