Meeting Name: Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/20/2022 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final-Revised  
Meeting location: 26th Floor, Council Chamber
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File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
220314 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $12,000,000.00 design professional services contract with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., for the Smart Sewer Program Management Services, Renewal No. 1 project; and establishing an effective date.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
220315 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $3,000,000.00 construction contract with Haines & Associates Construction Company, Inc., for the City Wide Automated Metering Infrastructure 2 project; and authorizing a one one-year automatic renewal option and a second one-year renewal option with City Council approval for a maximum expenditure of $9,000,000.00.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
220318 1  OrdinanceAdopting the Year One Bicycle Implementation Plan for the installation and design of bicycle lanes and trails; and ensuring that the bicycle lanes and improvements are designed and built in accordance with the National Association of City Transportation Officials Urban Bikeway Design Guide and other nationally recognized best practices.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
220333 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Director of Public Works to enter into a construction contract with Vance Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $3,194,358.00 for Project No. 22-MS - Microsurface Designated Streets; authorizing contract changes up to and including twenty percent (20%) of the original contract price; and establishing an effective date.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
220334 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Director of Public Works to enter into a construction contract with Vance Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $1,227,050.00 for Project No. 22-CS - Crack Seal Designated Streets; authorizing contract changes up to and including twenty percent (20%) of the original contract price; and establishing an effective date.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
220335 1  OrdinanceReducing an appropriation in the amount of $11,250,000.00 in the Public Mass Transportation Fund; appropriating $11,250,000.00 from the unappropriated fund balance in the Public Mass Transportation Fund; authorizing an agreement not to exceed $60,548,109.00 with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority to provide regular transit services, RideKC Freedom paratransit transportation for elderly and disabled residents of Kansas City, and certain specialized services; and requiring KCATA to present to Council its use of city funds during the contract term.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
220324 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to exceed the $1,000,000.00 Section 3-41(a)(2) threshold for Term and Supply Contract EV2260-01 with J&D Equipment, Inc. d/b/a for the current contract term and all renewals.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
220325 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to exceed the $1,000,000.00 Section 3-41(a)(2) threshold for Term and Supply Contract EVP2666 with Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co., Inc. for the current contract term and all renewals.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
220326 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Board of Police Commissioners of Kansas City, Missouri to provide off-street parking to the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department at City parking facilities commonly known as the JE Dunn Garage and Ed Wolf Garage for a term of ten years; and authorizing one additional five-year renewal.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available