| 1 | | | Special Action | Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw
RESOLUTION - Declaring the week of March 31 through April 8, 2025, as SevenDays® of Kindness in Kansas City. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Special Action | Sponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough
RESOLUTION - Celebrating Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day, and March Holidays recognizing women in diverse career fields by honoring the rich diversity internationally born women employees bring to the City of Kansas City, Missouri. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Special Action | Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson
RESOLUTION - Recognizing and honoring Dr. Diana E. Clemons during Women’s History Month. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Amending Chapter 2, Administration, Article XV, Code of Ethics, by repealing and replacing Sections 2-2060, 2-2061, and 2-2062 to modify allowable business and travel expenses and provide the internal auditor authority to audit travel expenses of the office of the mayor and city council, and city departments. | Held off Docket | |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
RESOLUTION - Expressing the City Council’s intent on use of Public Safety Sales Tax funds for Fiscal Year 2025-26. | Held off Docket | |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsors: Councilmembers Johnathan Duncan, Wes Rogers, Crispin Rea and Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw, Andrea Bough
RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to issue a Request for Qualifications/Proposals for the design of a Community Resource Center within sixty (60) days. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson
RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to work in collaboration with the Historic Northeast Coalition to coordinate strategies to prevent fires and the chronic outbreak of fires in the historic northeast of the City and its surrounding areas. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Health Department
Accepting and approving a $46,800.00 sub-award contract from the University of Missouri-Kansas City to evaluate the health benefits of healthy homes housing remediation; appropriating and estimating revenue in the amount of $46,800.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of the Finance Department
Setting the rates for the trafficway maintenance tax, the park and boulevard maintenance tax, and the boulevards and parkways front foot assessment at $0.00 for Fiscal Year 2025-26 in accordance with Section 68-582 of the Code of Ordinances. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Levying taxes for Fiscal Year 2025-26 for the General Revenue, Health, General Debt and Interest, and Museum Special Revenue Funds on all property in Kansas City subject to taxation on January 1, 2025; providing for the extension of such levies by the Director of Finance; and authorizing the collection by the Director of Finance. | Passed | Pass |
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| 2 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Amending Chapter 78, Code of Ordinances, entitled “Water” by repealing Sections 78-6, 78-8, 78-10, 78-11, 78-23, and 78-28 and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter, that adjust charges for water service; and establishing an effective date. | Passed as Substituted | Pass |
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| 2 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Amending Chapter 60, Code of Ordinances, entitled Sewers and Sewage Disposal, by repealing Sections 60-2, 60-3 and 60-9 and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter that adjust charges for sewer service; and establishing an effective date. | Passed as Substituted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Establishing Fund No. 3526, the General Obligation Series 2026A Question 1 Bond Fund in the records of the City of Kansas City, Missouri; estimating and appropriating $31,815,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Obligation Series 2026A Question 1 Bond Fund; establishing Fund No. 3626, the General Obligation Series 2026A Question 2 Bond Fund in the records of the City of Kansas City, Missouri; estimating and appropriating $8,080,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Obligation Series 2026A Question 2 Bond Fund; establishing Fund No. 3726, the General Obligation Series 2026A Question 3 Bond Fund in the records of the City of Kansas City, Missouri; estimating and appropriating $1,010,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Obligation Series 2026A Question 3 Bond Fund; designating requisitioning authorities; declaring the intent of the City to reimburse itself from the bond proceeds for certain expenditures; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts; and esta | Assigned to Second Reading Calendar | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Establishing Fund No. 3826, the General Obligation Series 2026A Q1-22 Bond Fund in the records of the City of Kansas City, Missouri; estimating and appropriating $7,500,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Obligation Series 2026A Q1-22 Bond Fund; establishing Fund No. 3926, the Taxable General Obligation Series 2026B Q2-22 Bond Fund in the records of the City of Kansas City, Missouri; estimating and appropriating $12,500,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Taxable General Obligation Series 2025B Q2-22 Bond Fund; designating requisitioning authorities; declaring the intent of the City to reimburse itself from the bond proceeds for certain expenditures; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts; and establishing the effective date of this ordinance. | Assigned to Second Reading Calendar | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Adopting Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2025-26; estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City’s records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter-fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter. | Move to Amend | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Adopting Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2025-26; estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City’s records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter-fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter. | Move to Amend | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Adopting Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2025-26; estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City’s records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter-fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter. | Move to Amend | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Adopting Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2025-26; estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City’s records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter-fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter. | Move to Amend | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Adopting Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2025-26; estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City’s records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter-fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter. | Move to Advance | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Adopting Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2025-26; estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City’s records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter-fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter. | Passed as Substituted as Amended | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2025A, of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, in a principal amount not to exceed $61,000,000.00; prescribing the form and details of said bonds; providing for the levy and collection of an annual tax for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on said bonds as they become due; and authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith, estimating and appropriating bond proceeds in various funds to record premium on sale of bonds; declaring the intent of the City to reimburse itself from the bond proceeds for certain expenditures; authorizing the Director of Finance to take certain actions in connection with the bonds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Authorizing the issuance of Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2025B, of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, in a principal amount not to exceed $15,000,000.00; prescribing the form and details of said bonds; providing for the levy and collection of an annual tax for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on said bonds as they become due; and authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith; increasing and appropriating revenue in the amount of $227,000.00.00 in the GO Series 2025B Question 2-2022 Bond Fund; authorizing the Director of Finance to take certain actions in connection with the bonds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Approving the issuance by the City of Kansas City Missouri of its special obligation bonds in more than one series (collectively, the “Series 2025 Bonds”), including a series of bonds to finance certain projects on a taxable basis with an estimated cost of $109,950,000.00, a series of tax-exempt bonds to finance certain projects with an estimated cost of $35,350,000.00 and a series of bonds to refund certain bonds of the City previously issued to refinance the downtown arena, such Series 2025 Bonds to be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $295,000,000; approving and authorizing certain documents and actions relating to the issuance of the Series 2025 Bonds; estimating and appropriating the proceeds of the sale of bonds in various funds; declaring the City’s intent to reimburse itself from bond proceeds; authorizing the Director of Finance to modify and close project accounts; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | Passed as Substituted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Approving a major amendment to an approved development plan on about 7.2 acres in District MPD generally located at 9806 N. Oak Trafficway to allow for a drive-through restaurant. (CD-CPC-2024-00149). | Passed | Fail |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Approving a major amendment to an approved development plan on about 7.2 acres in District MPD generally located at 9806 N. Oak Trafficway to allow for a drive-through restaurant. (CD-CPC-2024-00149). | Failed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Approving a major amendment to a development plan on about 60 acres in District R-7.5 generally located on the north side of N.W. 108th Street approximately 1600 feet west of N. Green Hills Road to allow for the creation of 251 residential units. (CD-CPC-2024-00198) | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Rezoning an area of about one acre from District R-2.5 to District M1-5 generally located at the northwest corner of East U.S. 40 Highway and Lewis Avenue. (CD-CPC-2024-00105). | Passed | Pass |
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| 2 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Approving a development plan also serving as a preliminary plat on about 13.18 acres in District B3-2 generally located at 8601 N. Madison Avenue to allow for retail, office, medical, and drive-through uses.. (CD-CPC-2024-00192) | Passed as Substituted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough
Rezoning an area of about 25.22 acres generally located at the southeast corner of East 135th Street and Wornall Road from District M3-5 to District UR and approving a development plan which also serves as a preliminary plat to allow for a mixed use development that includes residential, office, and manufacturing uses on three lots. (CD-CPC-2024-00156) | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Rezoning an area of about 1.83 acres generally located on three separate properties within the Columbus Park UR District, specifically for Phase 1 approximately 80 feet north of the intersection of East 5th Street and Cherry Street; Phase 2 at the northwest corner of East 5th Street and Charlotte Street; and Phase 3 located north of East 4th Street where Campbell Street ends; from District UR to District UR and approving a development plan also serving as a preliminary plat to allow for 65 residential units. (CD-CPC-2024-00177) | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Health Department
Accepting and approving a $1,779,428.00 grant award amendment with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to provide funding for HIV case management and other services for persons living with HIV within the eleven county Kansas City, Missouri Transitional Grant Area; and estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $1,779,428.00. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Health Department
Accepting and approving a one-year $419,678.00 contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for a comprehensive Disease Intervention Specialist Workforce program; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $419,678.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Health Department
Accepting and approving a one-year $825,088.00 Ryan White HIV Emergency Relief Part A/ Minority AIDS Initiative Grant from the Department of Health and Human Services-Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); appropriating and estimating revenue in the amount of $825,088.00; designating requisition authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Health Department
Accepting and approving a $104,953.00 grant award from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services that funds a comprehensive HIV surveillance program in the Kansas City, Missouri area; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $104,953.00; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Human Resources Department
Amending Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances, “Administration,” by repealing and replacing Section 2-1076, to adjust one salary grade. | referred | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Parks-Shaw
Authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a thirteen month Animal Campus Management Services Agreement (EV3989) with Kansas City Pet Project to provide animal shelter management services up to the amount of $232,222.22 for services provided through April 30, 2025, and $3,800,000.00 for fiscal year 2025-26 services, subject to the appropriation of funds; and authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to renew and amend the Agreement for an additional one-year term. | referred | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas, Councilmembers Ryana Parks-Shaw, Melissa Patterson Hazley, Johnathan Duncan, Darrell Curls, and Kevin O’Neill
Authorizing an agreement not to exceed $46,717,626.00 with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) to provide transit services for the City of Kansas City, Missouri between May 1, 2025 and October 31, 2025 from funds appropriated in the 2025-2026 Annual Budget; and establishing a policy of enhanced oversight of KCATA operations to ensure fiscal accountability. | referred | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Neighborhood Services Department
Accepting and approving a $9,000,000.00 grant award from the United States Department of Energy, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, to fund the creation and adoption of a building performance standard policy for existing buildings; estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $9,000,000.00 in the General Grants Fund (2580). | referred | |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
RESOLUTION - Appointing Curt Cerise and Stephanie Porter as successor directors to the 4840 Community Improvement District. | referred | |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough
Designating the honorary street name of “Hon. Howard F. Sachs Road” for a portion of W. 68th Terrace from the east line of Ward Parkway to the west line of Valley Road. | referred | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Cancelling the City Council business session and legislative session the week of March 24, 2025. | Move To Introduce | Pass |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
RESOLUTION - Appointing Joe DeMarco and Jason Swords as successor directors to the 1111 Grand Community Improvement District. | referred | |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
RESOLUTION - Approving the appointment of Theresa Otto as a regular member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA), approving the reappointments of Emerson Hays and Michael Meier as alternate members of the BZA and approving the appointment of Gonzalo Ventura as alternate member of the BZA. | referred | |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Cancelling the City Council business session and legislative session the week of March 24, 2025. | Move to Amend | Pass |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Cancelling the City Council business session and legislative session the week of March 24, 2025. | Move to Advance | Pass |
Action details
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Cancelling the City Council business session and legislative session the week of March 24, 2025. | Passed as Amended | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Patterson Hazley
RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Heart of the City Area Plan to include a Redevelopment Action Plan for the Washington Wheatley neighborhood. (CD-MISC-2025-00001) | introduced | |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Patterson Hazley
RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Heart of the City Area Plan to include a Redevelopment Action Plan for the Washington Wheatley neighborhood. (CD-MISC-2025-00001) | referred | |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsors: Councilmembers Kevin O’Neill, Nathan Willett, Lindsay French and Mayor Quinton Lucas
Approving a plan of finance for City’s contribution to the Northland Workforce Development Center; establishing Fund No. 3456, 2026A Taxable Special Obligation Bond Fund; estimating and appropriating bond proceeds in the amount of $29,500,000.00 for the purpose of providing the City’s contribution to the project; authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement to establish certain conditions for the City’s contribution; directing the City Manager, as necessary, to identify in the initial quarterly budget clean-up sources to fill any funding gaps existing in project delivery; and declaring the effective date of this ordinance to be May 1, 2025. | Move To Introduce | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsors: Councilmembers Kevin O’Neill, Nathan Willett, Lindsay French and Mayor Quinton Lucas
Approving a plan of finance for City’s contribution to the Northland Workforce Development Center; establishing Fund No. 3456, 2026A Taxable Special Obligation Bond Fund; estimating and appropriating bond proceeds in the amount of $29,500,000.00 for the purpose of providing the City’s contribution to the project; authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement to establish certain conditions for the City’s contribution; directing the City Manager, as necessary, to identify in the initial quarterly budget clean-up sources to fill any funding gaps existing in project delivery; and declaring the effective date of this ordinance to be May 1, 2025. | referred | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | Temporary Traffic Regulations No. 66544 through 66571 | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | February 2025 - Accepting various deeds and easements in Jackson County, Missouri; requesting the City Manager approve the acceptance; and upon the effective date of this Communication, the City Clerk is hereby directed to record this Letter of Communication in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds for Jackson County, Missouri. | received and filed | |
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