| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department
Authorizing a $9,774.79 Change Order No. 1 with Brown & Root Industrial Services, LLC, to reinforce supports for the balcony lighting support system project, MHCAPI23 for a total contract amount of $98,171.48; estimating revenue and appropriating $9,774.79 in the Municipal Auditorium Maintenance User Fee Fund to satisfy the cost of Change Order No. 1 with Brown & Root Industrial Services, LLC; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department
Reducing an appropriation in the amount of $384,055.51 in the General Obligation Bond Series 2023A, Fund 3823; appropriating $384,055.51 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Obligation Bond Series 2023A, Fund 3823; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Estimating revenue in the amount of $42,000.00 in the Marijuana Sales Tax Fund; appropriating $42,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Marijuana Sales Tax Fund for the purpose of supporting Client Advocates in meeting the immediate needs of non-fatal shooting victims, families of homicide victims, those most likely to shoot or be shot, and those at risk for retaliation; designating requisitioning authority; authorizing the Director of the Health Department to negotiate and execute a contract with a fiscal agent to manage and disburse appropriated funds; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities Department
Estimating revenue and appropriating $142,332.33 in the Municipal Auditorium Maintenance User Fee Fund for the procurement of capital improvement upgrades in the Music Hall at Municipal Auditorium for Key Brand Entertainment (Broadway Across America events) the exclusive provider of Broadway shows in the Music Hall at Municipal Auditorium; designating the Director of Convention and Entertainment Facilities requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date. | | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw and Councilmembers Johnathan Duncan, Melissa Robinson, Kevin O’Neill and Melissa Patterson-Hazley
Amending Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances, entitled Administration, by repealing Section 2-2060, Business expenses, and Section 2-2061, Council expense accounts, and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like numbers and subject matters for the purpose of broadening the permitted uses of Council expense account funds. | | |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | Sponsor: City Manager
Approving the Twenty-First Amendment to the 22nd & Main Tax Increment Financing Plan. | | |
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