File #: 240981    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 10/31/2024 In control: Council
On agenda: 1/30/2025 Final action:
Title: Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson SECOND COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the Director of Public Works to include additional parking services in the City's parking system; estimating revenue in the amount of $450,000.00 in Fund No. 2320; appropriating $450,000.00 from the unappropriated fund balance of the Public Safety Sales Tax Fund as a transfer to the Parking Fund; estimating revenue in the amount of $450,000.00 in Fund No. 2160; appropriating $450,000.00 from the unappropriated fund balance of the Parking Fund; and directing the City Manager to engage community stakeholders and return to Council for consent and approval prior to the implementation of any further paid parking measures, and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
Sponsors: Melissa Robinson
Attachments: 1. Docket Memo 240981 2nd sub, 2. 240981 cs to org ord-com, 3. 240981 2ND CS TO CS, 4. Authenticated Ordinance 240981 cs

Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson

Authorizing the Director of Public Works to include additional parking services in the City's parking system; estimating revenue in the amount of $450,000.00 in Fund No. 2320; appropriating $450,000.00 from the unappropriated fund balance of the Public Safety Sales Tax Fund as a transfer to the Parking Fund; estimating revenue in the amount of $450,000.00 in Fund No. 2160; appropriating $450,000.00 from the unappropriated fund balance of the Parking Fund; and directing the City Manager to engage community stakeholders and return to Council for consent and approval prior to the implementation of any further paid parking measures, and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.


Section 1. That the Director of Public Works is authorized to expand the scope of the City's parking services and enforcement to include downtown nights and weekends, and dedicated Streetcar.

Section 2. That the revenue in the amount of $450,000.00 is hereby estimated in the following account of the Public Safety Sales Tax Fund:

25-2320-120000-451100 Sales Tax $450,000.00

Section 3. That the amount of $450,000.00 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Public Safety Tax Fund to the following account:

25-2320-129998-X Transfer to the Parking Fund $450,000.00

Section 4. That the revenue in the amount of $450,000.00 is hereby estimated in the following account of the Parking Fund:

25-2160-120000-502320 Transfer from Public Safety Sales Tax $450,000.00

Section 5. That the sum of $450,000.00 is hereby appropriated from the unappropriated fund balance of the Parking Fund to the following accounts:

25-2160-891270-B Public Parking Administrat...

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