File #: 241042    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/13/2024 In control: Council
On agenda: 12/12/2024 Final action: 12/12/2024
Title: Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 19 acres from District B3-3 to District B4-3 generally located at N. Ambassador Drive and N. Polo Drive and approving a development plan that will also serve as a preliminary plat to allow for commercial uses. (CD-CPC-2024-00106 & CD-CPC-2024-00130)
Sponsors: Director of City Planning & Development
Attachments: 1. Docket Memo Amb.Trails, 2. CPC Disposition Letter (10-16-2024), 3. CPC Approved Plan (10-16-2024), 4. Post CPC Revised Plan 11-13-2024, 5. Trailsatambassador1stPlat_RevisedDevelopmentPlan_10.25.2024_v1 (1), 6. 10-16-2024 PPT, 7. 3.1_3.2_CD-CPC-2024-00106_00130_AmbassadorTrails, 8. Authenticated Ordinance 241042, 9. CPC Presentation 12.10.2024

Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department

Rezoning an area of about 19 acres from District B3-3 to District B4-3 generally located at N. Ambassador Drive and N. Polo Drive and approving a development plan that will also serve as a preliminary plat to allow for commercial uses. (CD-CPC-2024-00106 & CD-CPC-2024-00130)


Section A. That Chapter 88, Code of Ordinances of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, commonly known as the Zoning and Development Code, is hereby amended by enacting a new section to be known as Section 88-20A-1455, rezoning an area of about 19 acres from District B3-3 (Community Business (Dash 3)) to District B4-3 (Heavy Business/Commercial (Dash 3)) generally located at N. Ambassador Drive and N. Polo Drive and approving a development plan and preliminary plat to allow for commercial uses, said section to read as follows:

Section 88-20A-1455. That an area legally described as:

A tract in the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 52 North, Range 34 West, and the Northeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 51 North, Range 34 West, in Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri, being more particularly described as follows, surveyed and described on July 19, 2024, by John B. Young, PLS-2006016647: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89?49'07" West along the South line of said Southeast Quarter, 746.05 feet to the west right-of-way line of N. Ambassador Drive, as now established; thence North 28?19'04" West along said west right-of-way line, 244.20 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 44?36'39" West, 458.23 feet; thence South 65?44'23" West, 360.61 feet to the east right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 29, as now established; thence North 29?28'46" West along said east right-of-way line, 1020.85 feet to the southwest corner of Executive Hills North Blocks 12 & 26, a subdivision in said Kansa...

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