Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Rezoning an area of about 1.1 acres generally located at Van Brunt Boulevard and E. Linwood Boulevard from District B3-2 to District B4-2 to allow for a digital menu board sign. (CD-CPC-2023-00147).
Section A. That Chapter 88, Code of Ordinances of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, commonly known as the Zoning and Development Code, is hereby amended by enacting a new section to be known as Section 88-20A-1417, rezoning an area of about 1.1 acres generally located at Van Brunt Boulevard and E. Linwood Boulevard from District B3-2 (Community Business (Dash 2)) to District B4-2 (Heavy Business/Commercial (Dash 2)), said section to read as follows:
Section 88-20A-1417. That an area legally described as:
TRACT 1: All that part of Lots 1 , 2, 3, 39 and 40, Ballard Place, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri together with that part of the vacated alley lying west of and adjacent to said Lots 1 through 3, and part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 14, Township 49, Range 33, in said city, county and state, all being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of Lot 41, of said Ballard Place, that is 120.00 feet east of the northwest corner thereof, said northwest corner being on the east line of Colorado Avenue, as now established thence North 0 degrees 04' 00" West along a line 120 00 feet east of and parallel to said east line, a distance of 177.00 feet. thence North 90 degrees 00' 00" East, parallel with the north line of said Lot l , a distance of 56.21 feet to the west line of Raytown Road, as now established; thence South 38 degrees 28' 30" East along said west line, a distance of 35.51 feet to an angle point therein; thence South 20 degrees 11’ 30” East, continuing along said west line, a distance of 230.24 feet to a point on a line drawn 10.00 feet south of and parallel to the north line of said Lot 3, as measured at right angles thereto. thence South 90 degrees 00' 00" West along said parallel line, a distance of 152.49 feet, to a point on a line drawn 125.00 feet east of and parallel to the east line of said Colorado Avenue, as measured at right angles thereto thence North 0 degrees 04' 00" West along said parallel line, a distance of 66.90 feet to a point on the easterly prolongation of the north line of the aforesaid Lot 41; thence South 90 degrees 00' 00" West along said prolongation and said north line, a distance of 5.00 feet to the point of beginning.
TRACT 2: The south 15 feet of Lot 3, all of Lots 4 through 8, both inclusive, except that part thereof in streets, and all of the vacated alley lying west of and adjoining said lots: all of Lots 34 through 38, both inclusive, except the west 125 feet thereof, and the south 15 feet of Lot 39 except the west 125 feet thereof, all in Ballard Place, a subdivision in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri.
is hereby rezoned from District B3-2 (Community Business (Dash 2)) to District B4-2 (Heavy Business/Commercial (Dash 2)), all as shown outlined on a map marked Section 88-20A-1417, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and which is hereby adopted as a part of an amendment to the zoning maps constituting a part of said chapter and in accordance with Section 88-20 thereof.
Section B. That the Council finds and declares that before taking any action on the proposed amendment and development plan hereinabove, all public notices and hearings required by the Zoning and Development Code have been given and had.
I hereby certify that as required by Chapter 88, Code of Ordinances, the foregoing ordinance was duly advertised and public hearings were held.
Joseph Rexwinkle, AICP
Secretary, City Plan Commission
Approved as to form:
Sarah Baxter
Senior Associate City Attorney