Sponsor: Director of Health Department
Accepting and approving a $1,779,428.00 grant award amendment with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to provide funding for HIV case management and other services for persons living with HIV within the eleven county Kansas City, Missouri Transitional Grant Area; and estimating and appropriating revenue in the amount of $1,779,428.00.
WHEREAS, Ryan White Part B funding will help ensure that all residents with HIV within the Kansas City Transitional Grant Area (KC-TGA) have access to medical care and support services; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That a grant award amendment in the amount of $1,779,428.00 between the City of Kansas City, Missouri, acting through its Director of Health, and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, whereby the State will provide funding for HIV case management, referral for healthcare support, and early intervention services for persons living with HIV within the eleven county Kansas City, Missouri Transitional Grant Area for the period beginning April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026, is hereby accepted and approved. A copy of the contract, in substantial form, is on file with the Director of Health.
Section 2. That revenue in the following account of the Health Grants Fund is hereby estimated in the following amount:
25-2480-500001-474350-G50242228 HIV Case Management 26 $1,779,428.00
Section 3. That $1,779,428 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Health Grants Fund in the following accounts:
25-2480-505404-A-G50242228 HIV Case Management 26 $ 312,216.00
25-2480-505404-B-G50242228 HIV Case Management 26 1,465,212.00
25-2480-505404-C-G50242228 HIV Case Management 26 2,000.00
TOTAL $1,779,428.00
Section 4. That the Director of Health is designated as requisitioning authority for Account No...
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